Thursday, November 20, 2008


Oh the joys of Facebook! I have just reconnected with an old friend and spent the last couple of days reading her blog and Facebook pages and just having a blast! You see, this friend is someone who has known Jimmy and I for the past 24+ years. We were neighbors when we lived in Tulsa and she (Ann) and her husband (Jon) were schoolmates of Jimmy's. We've kept up through their missionary newsletters over the years and have never ceased to pray for them as the Lord brought them to our minds. We have even had them to Oxford about 8 years ago to speak in our church. These are very, very special folks; the kind you know will always be there even if you don't talk on a regular basis.

I am so greatful to have found Ann on Facebook and to be able to jot her a note whenever I want to say hi! And to be able to keep up with her seven kids (the oldest who is now a college graduate and a Marine Corps officer!) I can't tell you what a gift technology can be! If you have some extra time and want to be introduced to two of the most genuinely wonderful people you will ever want to know check out their websites ...

Their love for lost people and their lives of sacrifice will inspire you. Be prepared to be changed forever if you visit the above sites!

Enjoy getting to know my friend Ann, her vision for the lost and her steadfast belief that Jesus makes the difference.

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