Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Eve

I just love this time of year ... until Friday. With the blink of an eye the world goes from a lovely autumn to a commercial Christmas. My pumpkin and turkey decorations must be put away for the next holiday that is looming right around the corner.

Now don't get me wrong, I like Christmas as much as the next person. I don't, however, like the commercialism, the malls, the grumpy people spending way too much money on junk, the equally as grumpy people having to go to party after party because they have to keep up with the Jones ... the list goes on and on.

What I do like is waking up each day ready for the adventure that is homeschooling, parenting, wife-ing, homemaking and following. Being able to take each day one step at a time and enjoying the ride. Finding peace in the mundane tasks of housekeeping and not freaking out when everything just doesn't get done. Listening to the old classic Christmas carols and laughing about all those years when I made the girls memorize the verses (we did Patriotic songs too!). Smiling about the wonderful memories I have with my family and looking forward to the future memory making times. Knowing that a God big enough to put this whole deal together humbled himself to become a baby just for me. Doesn't get much better than that!

So on this cold and blustery Thanksgiving Eve, I am content to enjoy my blessings and look forward to tomorrow's good food, family, conversation and memory making with peace in my heart because of the One to whom we give thanks.

1 comment:

Faye Creech said...

I love your new Christmas look! And yes, I agree that Christmas seems to be "hijacked" no matter how hard we try to focus on the right things. memorize verses of songs? Now WHO would do that? (My children's books are open to two songs right now :) !)
See you next week!