Friday, December 26, 2008

Back to Normal

Tomorrow the happy couple returns from their honeymoon to continue the process of moving to their new apartment. I definitely think we need more bookshelves ... both here and there. Never can have too many bookshelves. They have been blessed with so many amazing gifts, it will be quite a feat to get everything in and put away. But if anyone can make things work, Nooch can!

I'm looking forward to the new normal. Having a married daughter and son-in-law, homeschooling Joy, basketball games, keeping up with Jimmy and his adventures, rearranging my house after having two folks move out, planning a spring and summer garden that I'm actually going to be around to care for, talking Jimmy into building me a dog-proof chicken coop. The list is long and I'm grateful for each day to cross something off my "To Do" list and for all the good memories we have made along the way.

I think I'm going to like the new normal!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Its December 24th. Normally this time of year my heart would be full of Christmas spirit, we'd be listening to Christmas music and preparing to cook and gather with family. This morning however, is very different. The house is quiet; there's no cooking to be done and all the relatives are back in their own homes. But the biggest difference is the amazing peace and joy that I have in my heart. You see, our Christmas this year was a wedding.

This wedding wasn't just any wedding. It was the wedding of the person who changed my life forever 20 years ago ... my oldest daughter Katy. This wedding was a celebration of God's faithfulness and love for her and her now husband Russ. This wedding was a culmination of a 7 year friendship and the union of two perfectly matched people. This wedding was a lesson in God's provision and blessing for her parents who were able at the end of it all to hear their daughter say "it was perfect; it was exactly what we wanted!" (No better Christmas exists!) This wedding was able to convey how Katy and Russ feel about each other, their guests, their families and their God.

So today we will do a few Christmas things and tomorrow visit with family. But my heart will remain full of the memories of the beginning of my daughter's next chapter (Chapter 5) (wedding story - ask me sometime) and the gratitude to our Father for allowing us the privilege of being Momma and Daddy to this awesome woman.

Merry Christmas to all!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dead Sea Scrolls

Or Dead Sea Fragments as Joy likes to call them. Whichever you prefer, our church went to the NC Museum of History today to see them.

I did a little research before we went so that I wouldn't be completely ignorant about what I was viewing. I really had very little expectation of what they would be or what we would see. (A very rare thing for me). I must say that I completely enjoyed the entire exhibit. Being a lover of history didn't hurt, but somehow for me there was more than just looking at historical things. There was a connection with a group of people that loved the same God I do. That lived their lives to honor Him in the best way they new how. The remnants that these people left behind weren't holy or sacred or inerrant but they held a commonality of faith that was amazing. These people knew the same God I do and they responded to His call to preserve ancient writings that would be found some 2000 years later. Truly moving.

I will not soon forget the fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls nor the people that gave their time and energy into leaving them for us to find.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Great New Bible

Check out Jimmy's blog ...

An awesome new Bible; a definite must have for everyone!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Eve

I just love this time of year ... until Friday. With the blink of an eye the world goes from a lovely autumn to a commercial Christmas. My pumpkin and turkey decorations must be put away for the next holiday that is looming right around the corner.

Now don't get me wrong, I like Christmas as much as the next person. I don't, however, like the commercialism, the malls, the grumpy people spending way too much money on junk, the equally as grumpy people having to go to party after party because they have to keep up with the Jones ... the list goes on and on.

What I do like is waking up each day ready for the adventure that is homeschooling, parenting, wife-ing, homemaking and following. Being able to take each day one step at a time and enjoying the ride. Finding peace in the mundane tasks of housekeeping and not freaking out when everything just doesn't get done. Listening to the old classic Christmas carols and laughing about all those years when I made the girls memorize the verses (we did Patriotic songs too!). Smiling about the wonderful memories I have with my family and looking forward to the future memory making times. Knowing that a God big enough to put this whole deal together humbled himself to become a baby just for me. Doesn't get much better than that!

So on this cold and blustery Thanksgiving Eve, I am content to enjoy my blessings and look forward to tomorrow's good food, family, conversation and memory making with peace in my heart because of the One to whom we give thanks.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Oh the joys of Facebook! I have just reconnected with an old friend and spent the last couple of days reading her blog and Facebook pages and just having a blast! You see, this friend is someone who has known Jimmy and I for the past 24+ years. We were neighbors when we lived in Tulsa and she (Ann) and her husband (Jon) were schoolmates of Jimmy's. We've kept up through their missionary newsletters over the years and have never ceased to pray for them as the Lord brought them to our minds. We have even had them to Oxford about 8 years ago to speak in our church. These are very, very special folks; the kind you know will always be there even if you don't talk on a regular basis.

I am so greatful to have found Ann on Facebook and to be able to jot her a note whenever I want to say hi! And to be able to keep up with her seven kids (the oldest who is now a college graduate and a Marine Corps officer!) I can't tell you what a gift technology can be! If you have some extra time and want to be introduced to two of the most genuinely wonderful people you will ever want to know check out their websites ...

Their love for lost people and their lives of sacrifice will inspire you. Be prepared to be changed forever if you visit the above sites!

Enjoy getting to know my friend Ann, her vision for the lost and her steadfast belief that Jesus makes the difference.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday Update

Great week so far. Nothing outstanding or stupendous ... just the normality of life that we so often take for granted.

Friends and family are throwing Katy's first bridal shower this weekend so we are all preparing for the festivities. I'm turning into the "mystery shopper" for some of our out of town guests, so I get to have fun of doing that! (I hate shopping, but somehow buying stuff for my daughter's apartment makes it much, much better!) Katy will have two more showers the weekend after Thanksgiving, so a busy time is upon us.

Last night was Joy's first JV basketball game of the season. She has come so far from the timid little girl several years ago that thought playing basketball might be fun! I am still amazed at the discipline she shows in not only practicing, but in running, eating correctly and doing the things she knows will help her become a better player. I often joke with she and Camryn that I can see them in 20 years being homeschool moms coaching their children's basketball teams. (Truly, its no joke. I can really see them doing that... they both have a love of the game and a love of children. Will be fun to watch!) Back to our present reality ... the JVG team played so well! It was amazing to see them come together as a team against a formidable foe and while they didn't win on the scoreboard, they won in experience. They took away a wealth of experiences (both good and bad) and will be the better for it next time. And big kudos to Coach Kyle for playing even the younger girls who make up our developmental team!

Cold weather is upon us here in the great state of NC! Snow flurries yesterday and miserably cold temps this morning (and the rest of the week they say). Miserably cold is defined as anything under 40 (at least to me). This morning it was 25 so that qualifies in my book! I think we might be in for one of those winters! Oh well, lots of coats, warm clothing and oil in the tank while we hunker down til spring.

Must close for now. Doggies need to be walked and laundry started for the day. Blessings to all on this fine November day!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thankful is an understatement

WOW! What a weekend. On top of the normal busy stuff we always find to do, Saturday morning Jimmy and I helped Pam and Larry unload the remainder of their moving truck. Didn't take too long. We spent more time catching up with them and eating yummy homemade chili than we did actually moving stuff around. Laura was there and it was good to get to see her again. I'm not crazy about these youngin's growing up and getting lives of their own! Oh well, enough about my problems with change.

Anyway, before the weekend was over, God had blessed Katy and Russ (not only with their first apartment) but ...

1 beautiful love seat
1 beautiful chair to match said love seat
4 very nice pillows to match the above
1 cute little kitchen table
3 lamps
1 television set
1 small storage cabinet
a big box of glasses and such
an ironing board
and a washer and dryer!

Friends and family have called this weekend with "leftover" furniture and appliances that they were so generous to give to them. I never cease to be amazed at God's faithfulness and His timing!

I am truly thankful this Thanksgiving season for so very many things. Not the least of which is His care and concern for my children and their futures!!

Praise be to God!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

To all the veterans that have served or are presently serving ... thank you. And especially to those veterans that have just returned from our current wars ... you are in our thoughts and our prayers. Only God can heal the memories and the trauma. My hope is in a big God and His big mercy.

Blessings to you all.

General Stuff

Thought I'd try my hand at blogging again. No promises on adding things in a timely manner, but I'll see how it goes.

Lots of things going on around the place this fall. We are in the throws of wedding planning and basketball games start next week (after many months of practice). That's on top of the normal daily routines we all enjoy.

Jimmy just returned from his annual pilgrimage to West Virginia. He had a great time and I'm sure will be blogging on all his adventures for some time to come. Today, in the mail, he received his first book to review for Thomas Nelson Publishers ... a chronological Bible. I got to open the package and boy does it look cool. Can't wait to get my grubbies on it; but alas, I'm not the one writing the review so I'll have to wait a bit.

Jimmy and I took a walk this morning and the fall colors are still amazing! This has been one of the most beautiful falls I can remember. I just love the colored leaves!!!

Well enough of my return to blogging ramblings. There are many things left on my "To Do" list and I just received a call from the Board of Elections that they need me to help them on Wednesday with a recount deal they always do after each election. Hopefully it won't take all day, but we'll see. You never know!

Until my next burst of blogging, have a blessed day and enjoy the autumn wherever God has placed you!